
His Timing is Perfect!

His Timing is Perfect!

Praise Report

Mi Casa Esperanza Inc. is an official U.S. 501(c)3 non-profit. We have been praying over and working on this next step for Casa Esperanza for the past couple of years. It was a long and hard process but just when we really needed the non-profit status the approval come in the mail from the IRS....

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Baja 500 Pre-Party and Contingency with H12:One

Baja 500 Pre-Party and Contingency with H12:One

    There is nothing quite like the roaring of the motorcycle, truck and buggy engines at a Baja   race. And no one knows this better than the kids at Casa Esperanza....

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The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round

The Wheels on the Bus go Round and Round

    May 29th started out like any other day at the casa. Kids being dressed and combed for   church, chores being finished up, moms rushing....

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Municipal Police are Blessed by Their Visit to Casa

Municipal Police are Blessed by Their Visit to Casa

  April 29, 2016 was a day of anticipation and trepidation. The local police came for a visit with   a clown, activities for the kids, and a shared meal....

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Lakeport Rotary and Real Life Ministries Visit Casa Esperanza

Lakeport Rotary and Real Life Ministries Visit Casa Esperanza

  On April 26th, Lakeport Rotary from Northern California, and Real Life Ministries came to put   new roofs and porches on our classrooms and some of the rooms where our families live....

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Welcome Baby Jonathan

Welcome Baby Jonathan

  Casa Missionaries Gabby and Gabriel welcomed their new son Jonathan Gabriel Aguilar on Friday,   April 22, 2016. He weighted 8 lbs. 13 ozs. and was 22" long. Mom and baby are both doing well....

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March/April 2016

March/April 2016

Praise Report

  Be truly glad, there is wonderful joy ahead. 1Peter 1:16   Thankful...   to Vanguard University for completing another section of the roofs on the families' rooms. They also gave a beautiful worship performance at our home church, Calvary Chapel Chapultepec....

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